Wednesday 30 October 2013

Day 10

Day 10:

Alice is a doge. With a bloge. 

Hello everyone :) sorry for the lack of post yesterday but I have a few things to update on!

Today I have decided that I want to eat a lot more healthy :) It was just some random thought on the bus and I gave Kweegan my chocolate and Alice my zombie and I refrained from eating hte bad things during our shared lunch today at school. I also made a healthy dinner and refrained from bad dressings etc so it is going okay so far even though its been a day XD

Tomorrow night we are having le halloween party at Erins and Andrews and it is going to be superrr cool and I am excited :-) I need to write my english speech tomorrow and some chemistry notes so it doesn't look like I'm cheating haha! 

Which of course i didn't
Well not technically but shh little things no problems xo

In Small Groups we did a cute activity where we write nice things about each other and it was very nice and I like berreh much :3

Okay i think that is all, I may update before I go partying tomorrow night

Baaiiii xx

Monday 28 October 2013

Day 9

Day 9





I would lie and say I've been too busyto write   but mostly i've been lazy hehe.

I have been working for the past three days and it has been some crazy busy shit :( Especially yesterday. i worked for eight and a half hours with no break, it was super shitty but i will be extra happy on pay day! I want to buy some summer dresses that aren't too short and also because I just like dresses hehe.

I want to dress up for halloween mufti on Thursday but I dont have any ideas sohopefully  Alice does and she makes me look super cool!

Tomorrow I am kind of looking forward to school but thats mostly because I will sleep and also because I can learn new spanish words since I went quite well on my other vocab cards :)

This morning mum shouted me breakfast and it was so delicious and omg just yay :D and I got a break at work today so all was well. 

We finished Orphan Black and it was faaaaabulously amazing as per usual and now we must find a new show!! I don't want to have to wait until next year for all the good shows new seasons to come out :( But I am super excited for Catching Fire next month wahey!! :D 

I spent tonight leaping around, singing and dancing because I was super hyper and I made a delicious dinner (lamb, salad, and wedges) hehe and I wish I took a photo cause it looked amaze and tasted as good too :) 

Okay that is all for tonight, I should be back tomorrow, if not I SAHRRY

Bai xxxxx

Friday 25 October 2013

Day 8

Day 8

Hey errbodeh!

I have just finished Season 2 of Catfish: The TV Show and the reunion was overall quite uninteresting and nothing too exciting happened except for Derek proposing to Lauren which was super cute :') I hoped the psycho guy with the doge that wasn't really his doge was on there, but then again he may have killed everyone or something.
I still ship Nev and Max.

Today at school I made more Spanish flashcards and learnt some words and made a pretty chain made out of paper that Alice will totally hang on her wall/somewhere and if she doesn't I will make her into a pretty chain and hang her on my wall :-)

She just read me typing that and then she ran. She is now finding somewhere to hang it up.


But I put a new link on for every word I got right but then I ran out of links so I do actually know more than 22 words. I did very well and I should practice them again tonight but I have a girlfriend to entertain and she is now clinging to me like a dropbear. I should have done it in the five hours I had alone but I just played The Sims 3 the whole time and my family is perf :D Alice and I adopted a baby and she turned out to be very black with bright blonde hair. She obviously isn't adopted ;)

In biology we discussed various babies, such as yellow babies and green babies then we moved onto asparagus then oven chips then food then University. It was incredibly entertaining and I learnt (maybe not so relevant) things!

After I finish this we're going to watch Orphan Black, I think we're up to episode 5 now, and unfortunately tomorrow I have to work which makes me super sad :( But oh  well I will survive!

Okay, I'm going to go now because Alice is not a dropbear and now she hates me and is staring at the computer screen. And by stare I mean glare. I love you Alice I am sorry please don't kill me in my sleep.

I repeat, Alice is not like a dropbear in any sort of way.

Please don't kill me because I'm not Australian.

Okay bai everybody :-) If I don't come back, I have died xx

Thursday 24 October 2013

Day 7

Day 7:


Today has been a mildy productive day involving many delicious sandwiches made by my perfect girlfriend and holy chiz they were just amazing.

To be honest I didn't really learn anything all day at school, nor did I complete any work, although I did some cross words :)

Currently I am doing some awesome IT work because my LOL launcher won't start and it is becoming incerdibly irritating and I hope the thing I am downloading now makes it work because I want to play :'(

In good news, I have painted my finger nails in halloween fashion... even though it is a week before halloween. I will insert a picture here:

if you can't see that, there is a graveyard, blood drips, frankenstein, a ghost and a skull hehe

i would show you my other hand but it's a lot worse so we'll just pretend that it's decently done okay yay :D I know that it is too early for halloween themed nails but I really like them and they took some time! They kept smudging and dying and I had to keep redoing them over and over and over but now they are decent and i hope they last until tomorrow at least!

Today I tried some delicious sauces for ice cream, and there is one that is white chocolate and peach shnapps and omfg just so much love.

Speaking of, did you know i love white chocolate? Like, love love love love. So heres one of my favourite white chocolate recipes.

Homemade White Hot Chocolate

Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Yield: About 5 cups


  • 4 cups of milk of your choice (or you can substitute heavy cream or half and half, or do a mixture)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 8 oz. white chocolate, chopped into small pieces (or white chocolate chips)
  • whipped cream or marshmallows for topping


Stir together milk, vanilla and chopped white chocolate in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until the white hot chocolate comes to a simmer. (Do not let it come to a boil.) Remove from heat and serve immediately, topped with whipped cream or marshmallows if desired.
See, yum yum yum!! Okay everyone, that is all for today, I'm going to enjoy some ice cream and sauce and I will be back tomorrow :)
Goodnight!! xx

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Day 6:

Day 6

I am currently trying to type this blog in srs business fashion but I am being distracted by hte girlfriend who is incredibly cute and i love her a lot. What a little shit though for reals.

Okay so today I accidentally fell back asleep after my alarm and was in mc crazy mad rush to get all my stuff together before I had to catch the bus and unfortunately I nearly forgot my school bag which in the end wouldn't have really mattered because I don't think I used it once today, except for pen purposes.

Hte girlfriend is mean to me just because she is tumblr famous and I'm not. (She's not really tumblr famous she has like 3 followers and I have 2 so really we aren't that far apart.) (And her third follower is a blog she made for her doge.)

Currently we are waiting for the two latest episodes of catfish to download and after I make this highly interesting and super informative blog post we are going to finally watch episode 2 of Orphan Black (Yes, we have been waiting this long) and I'm just excited for eventual lesbians because why wouldn't you want to watch a show with hot lesbians. (OITNB, The Fosters) But I'm sure that we will watch it all far too quickly and then we will be lacking in hot lesbian tv shows until we find a new one to binge watch,

Tonight we got some delicious, unhealthy fried chicken and went to a dance performance at our school which wasn't too bad although a little boring at times, and there was this twelve year old boy with one of those awful t shirts they make for guys for example, "orgasm donor". This guys said "Friends + Benefits = Awesome." and seriously he couldn't have been over 15 and he probably thought he was the coolest ever and I just laughed so hard every time I looked at him.

Tomorrow we have to get up super early and then we have to finish our chemistry internal (and not cheat) and mehr school mehr it is super facking gay and I am so glad it is over soon :')


Anyways that is all for now, I shall be back tomorrow or some shiet.


Monday 21 October 2013

Day 5

Day 5: 

Hello internet!! How are we all today?

Today started off quite poorly and I was incredibly tired and I just wanted to go back to sleep but unfortunately I couldn't :'( Luckily I got to sleep in maths and I have been playing cookie clicker throughout the day and imo it is going incredibly well!

For lunch we did the smart kid thing and drove down to town to get sushi (which was perf) and we definitely weren't the only ones as we bumped into numerous other hungry Year 13s. 

I find myself doing less and less in all of my classes and I should be caring more than I do but I just dont, which is incredibly bad and it could end really poorly and I hope I stop being an idiot and stop being so lazy and I get my shit together soon.

I really want to have a nap but I know that means I will stay up all night watching tv (which isn't too bad) but I will definitely regret it but I may do it anyway because YOLO.

Tomorrow night I am staying with hte girlfriend so there may not be a post but hopefully there is :)

Until next time! :3

Day 4 (Although late.)

Day 4: I was planning to write today at achool but the computers dont like google things :(

So as I am typing this on my ipod the level of typos will be incredibly high and the level of lame even higher.

Over the weekend I went to a wedding that was SO cute and lovely and just awwww everywhere :')

I got to share a hotel room with hte girlfriend which was really cool and adorable and definitely would do again and again!! The reception was amazing and those hours of making and decorating cupcakes paid off as they looked SO good on the night and I am so proud of our efforts :)

I spent my day trying to win a round of minesweeper (WHICH I FINALLY DID!!) and i hung out with some of my friends I haven't really talked to or seen lately so it was really nice to have everyone together as a group and I hope it happens more often!

It was also boiling hot today and I really need to invest in some sunblock but alas I have lost my eftpos card so that will not be happening anytime soon :( I hope my legs do get a little less egg shell white though.

Today was my last ever LGBTS meeting and that made me really sad but we had some yum food :) i'm going to miss those meetings man :'(

OH also my favourite drunk guy from the 11 Drunk Guys/ABOP is now following me on tumblr and he said I was his favourite :D I WAS SO EXCITED

Okay that is all for today but I should be back tomorrow with more interesting things and a longer blog post.

Goodnight everyone!! xo

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Day 3

Day 3:

Yes i know, i know. This is technically Day 4 but I was busy last night and I will be away for the next few days so there will be a lack of posts :(

Unfortunately I am sick and so I didnt go to school and just sat at Alices and watched catfish and slept :3

We have also started a show called Orphan Black and it was very good and now we are waiting for the second episode to download and it has taken ninety nine years.

I know this is very short but I am on my ipod and it is very hard to type so I am off now but will be back on Sunday night :)

Until then xx

Monday 14 October 2013

Day 2

Day 2:

I am currently not in the best head space right now, but I will try to move past that to make a not so depressing blog entry, because nobody has time for depressing blogs.

As I was rudely awoken this morning by my brother barging in, telling me that 1. Neither of my alarms went off, 2. It was 10 past 8 in the morning and 3. We had missed the bus and would not be attending school that day, I pretty much knew that it was going to be an awful day. Luckily, I was mostly wrong.

I ended up going to school (although very late), after enjoying kebabs for lunch with the girlfriend and chilling out on the kids playground for an hour or so, which of course, was incredibly nice.

Although there are people (there's just one person) who I  was not looking forward to seeing I was incredibly happy to see all my other friends after a long two weeks holiday, although I'm sure they'll be back to annoying me within a few days, although really it isn't their fault, I just get annoyed easily, by, well, everyone.

I was looking forward to school tomorrow, but now not so much and I honestly just want to stay at home for hopefully the rest of the year, or maybe eternity.

I feel like I am a robot.

I said this blog entry wouldn't be too depressing so I better lighten up soon before I change my background colours to black and red and change the blog title to "My unforunate life" or some Simple Plan lyircs.

Speaking of bands, I have found a new band called "Conditions" (Click that to go to their, and they're quite good so I've downloaded their latest album and put it onto my phone.

I also feel like I will be up incredibly late tonight and I'm going to set about twenty alarms for the morning so I dont have any dilemmas and get incredibly angry like I did this morning. I also have to make a phone call tomorrow and just thinking about it is making me nauseous.

I am very happy I have bubble wrap sitting right next to me.

I'm done with tonight. Hopefully tomorrow's entry will be a lot less 'I am an annoying emo teenager' and more 'I'm a perfectly fine teenager with a semi-interesting, positive blog."

Let's just hope for the best eh?

Night all xx

Sunday 13 October 2013

Update: Day 1

Day 1 Update

It is now twenty to two and I have nbow finished the Lorde Album for the second time.
I have also completely customised my blog so it was really a very productive hour me thinks :)

I'm sure that soon I will be forced into sleep as my body begins to grow too weary to continue typing/sitting/clicking, but until then I will find new things to occupy myself with.

And I'm hoping tomorrow will not be too awful of a day.

This should be all for tonight, for real now though.

Peace out.

Day 1: What am I doing with my life?

Day 1:

Hello, all. After seeing my friend Missy's blog, I decided that doing a daily blog will probably be incredibly interesting, although I'm not too sure how long I will continue this on, before I get incredibly bored.

Tomorrow is the first day of school of Term 4. I have not begun to write my english speech, it is twenty to one in the morning and I must get up in six hours time. The only thing getting me through school days is the fact that they are slowly depleting and Alice.

I am restless yet tired, bored yet entertained, and overall I am fine.

This blog will probably be the most uninteresting thing on the internet. I'm sure I will post many things over the days, from what I've been doing, what others have been doing, how I'm feeling about certain things and my opinions/views.

I'm currently listening to Lorde's Album, Pure Heroine and although there are a few songs that I'm not too keen on, I'm sure the more I listen the more I'll love them. In fact, here's a short review of a few tracks on the album:

Tennis Court: When I first heard this song, I didn't like it. I was honestly disappointed and I thought the video was incredibly creepy, but now I find myself singing it constantly.

400 Lux: One of my absolute favourites, reminds me of my girlfriend and now the ball and it makes me incredibly happy. Listening to her lyrics makes me forget that she is just sixteen.

Royals: The song that started it all. What a perfect first single, it was something new and fresh and different and something that wasn't common on radios or tv, it was exciting. Even now, over six months later since it was first released in NZ, it is still something I can listen to happily.

Team: Favourite track of this album. Catchy, simple and Ella's voice is so powerful, mesmerising almost. I listen to it over and over and over because I adore it more than any other song.

I'll do some more when I familiarise myself with the tracks I'm not quite sure of more, then I can do the whole album :) I might do some other albums and/or songs when I find things to review, maybe I'll even do some tv shows/movies or games, but this is all depending on me not growing incredibly lazy, and this could possibly occur. I hope to continue this though.

Well, this is all for now. I shall be back tomorrow, well unless I somehow die because I despise school so much.

Until then xx