Friday, 25 October 2013

Day 8

Day 8

Hey errbodeh!

I have just finished Season 2 of Catfish: The TV Show and the reunion was overall quite uninteresting and nothing too exciting happened except for Derek proposing to Lauren which was super cute :') I hoped the psycho guy with the doge that wasn't really his doge was on there, but then again he may have killed everyone or something.
I still ship Nev and Max.

Today at school I made more Spanish flashcards and learnt some words and made a pretty chain made out of paper that Alice will totally hang on her wall/somewhere and if she doesn't I will make her into a pretty chain and hang her on my wall :-)

She just read me typing that and then she ran. She is now finding somewhere to hang it up.


But I put a new link on for every word I got right but then I ran out of links so I do actually know more than 22 words. I did very well and I should practice them again tonight but I have a girlfriend to entertain and she is now clinging to me like a dropbear. I should have done it in the five hours I had alone but I just played The Sims 3 the whole time and my family is perf :D Alice and I adopted a baby and she turned out to be very black with bright blonde hair. She obviously isn't adopted ;)

In biology we discussed various babies, such as yellow babies and green babies then we moved onto asparagus then oven chips then food then University. It was incredibly entertaining and I learnt (maybe not so relevant) things!

After I finish this we're going to watch Orphan Black, I think we're up to episode 5 now, and unfortunately tomorrow I have to work which makes me super sad :( But oh  well I will survive!

Okay, I'm going to go now because Alice is not a dropbear and now she hates me and is staring at the computer screen. And by stare I mean glare. I love you Alice I am sorry please don't kill me in my sleep.

I repeat, Alice is not like a dropbear in any sort of way.

Please don't kill me because I'm not Australian.

Okay bai everybody :-) If I don't come back, I have died xx

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