Hello everyone!
I am currently incredibly bored and lonely and so yes here I am!
Everything lately has honestly been a little out of the ordinary for me.
When someone gets to know me or when I get to know someone, I will come out of my shell quickly and will happily talk and laugh and be weird but my problem is that I can't start a conversation. If I don't know someone I will not go up to them first, I'm too insecure and nervous and scared of rejection.
So this is why I'm here, six weeks into uni, and I've made no new friends.
Sure, I have acquaintances (kind of) but not one single friend. And now it's kind of too late to try. the whole "making friends" stage of uni has passed.
And it is so frigging weird for me.
I've always been an incredibly social person, my parents dubbed me "the social butterfly" because every weekend I wanted to go out somewhere or I wanted someone to stay and it was never ending.
But now I walk around uni alone, sit alone, eat alone and do everything alone. If I didn't have Alice at home I think I would have died by now :(
It's just not what I'm used to. I don't like it. And it extra sucks because (unfortunately) I don't have very many friends (if any) left in the Te Puke area so for the past week (minus one day) I have been alone and bored and stuck in this crappy weather and I just want to go out and spend the day with some people and actually properly interact. I want to have some drinks with some of my friends but now I'm kind of without many at all.
And I wish Alice was here because one day with her was not enough and I wish she would come back.
I want to be able to physically catch up with people and hug them and ask how they are and find out everything I've been missing and tell them everything they've been missing too. I'm just really not enjoying it but I guess its a good thing if this has been the worst part of my year.
Just not the one.
Alrite this was my whiney post so I'm going to read a book and feel pleh some more.
Bye xo